SF Equestrian has been informed that during the doping control after the NK Jumping in Deurne in April, rider Bart Bles was found positive for the use of a substance that is on the list of human illicit substances.
As a result of the positive test, rider Bart Bles has been immediately suspended by SF Equestrian in accordance with the contractually agreed house rules with regard to all his activities and involvement with SF Equestrian. The well-being of the horses under the management of rider Bart Bles is guaranteed at all times.
SF Equestrian is completely surprised and shocked about the positive test of rider Bart Bles. Such a positive test in no way fits within the sport and the contractually agreed house rules with regard to which SF Equestrian has a strict zero-tolerance policy.
Further information about the further and future consequences will be provided at a later date.